Ofsted Report 2024

In our most recent inspection in February 2024, Ofsted graded Lodge Farm as continuing to be a Good School. They had many positive things to say about our school!

Lodge Farm Primary is a community of happy pupils and adults. The school actively promotes and celebrates aspiration and diversity.

The school plans its curriculum effectively to ensure all pupils enjoy learning and learn well. The school achieves its aim for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to become ‘positive, independent, confident and ambitious’ learners.

Behaviour is good in lessons and at other times of the school day, including breaktimes. Lessons are engaging and pupils want to learn. They present their work beautifully and take pride in their school. Pupils welcome visitors and new members of the school eagerly and helpfully. They are polite and well-mannered. As one pupil said, ‘It’s like home.’ Others told the inspector, ‘We are all friends: we care about each other.’ They certainly do.

Pupils are safe in school. They know who to talk to if they are worried about anything. Staff deal well with any issues which pupils raise. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe when online and in the wider world.

Department of Education Performance Tables